Support Group Meetings

Mood Peers Pittsburgh hosts a weekly, peer-run support group for individuals living with depression, bipolar, and other mental health conditions. We also welcome family members, friends, students, and anyone who has an interest in learning about mental health issues. Meetings are free and no registration is required.

We are a personal recovery support group and the format of our meetings is very simple. We go in order around the room and give each person the opportunity to share whatever feelings and experiences they wish. No one is required to speak and can simply “pass” when it comes to their time to share. Everything said in the group is confidential.

At each meeting we also provide a wide assortment of mental health reading materials free for the taking, including brochures, magazines, and information about other support resources.

At this time our group meets on is meeting on Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom which can be accessed HERE.

If weather conditions, holidays, or other circumstances make it unclear whether a particular meeting is happening, we will provide a confirmation one way or the other on this site. You may also email or call us to check.